Sunday, 26 February 2017

Food Gras

Yes,  I'm facing a bit of a dry spell in terms of writing. Not in terms of ideas thankfully but rather time. 

Work is crazy this year and health ain't great. And I've been stress eating. 

So here's some food porn for ya. I'm eating in advance - specifically in advance of the Lent season that starts Wednesday

Do enjoy people! 

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Reaction To Comments

Finally pushed out the piece that I'd written near the end of last year. Everything has been delayed because of a combination of time crunch, exhaustion and illness.

The feedback has been interesting. Here are some points of feedback I'd like to deal with here:

  • Wordy: I've heard this numerous times and I'm not quite sure what it implies. I've gone from posting eight to four to two pages. I'm not sure how less wordy I can get.  Should I hit the return key more often after a one-liner? Lol 

  • No action/going no where/too much telling: Not to be a smartass but conclusions are not meant to introduce something new unless you're writing a lead-in for the next installment. They are supposed to conclude. And narrative, by definition,  is telling.  Technically, unless you're producing a video or illustration,  there's no show.  The "show" that readers often refer to is still descriptive. Remember,  there's no show and tell script in operation here.  

  • Repetition: I agree with some of the comments on there being repetition. For me, that is a replication (yes,  pun intended) of the process of event and memory where memory replays the event and evokes or adds new layers of meaning  and emotion to an event or symbol.  

I thank all readers for their feedback, good intentions or otherwise. In particular,  I thank the LW greats and legends who have taken the time to lend me their opinions - a virtual kiss for y'all! Don't be a stranger now!

Sunday, 12 February 2017


I have been asked (or accused) several times why a feminist (aka moi) would ever write in the Loving Wives category. After all, isn't it all a misogynistic fest? I understand the misgivings some of my female readers and friends have about the category.

As naive as it sounds, I was brought up surrounded by all the traditional ideas about who cheated (men), why they cheated (they're just dirty dogs) and how good women stood by their men and forgave them because women were of a higher caliber than men. The "romances" a friend got me hooked on and the drama I saw around me only reinforced the prejudices. Women who cheated almost never existed, certainly were never heroines. You only had to look at the owner of the fleur de lys brand in The Three Musketeers to understand that the sexually promiscuous women were seen as the ultimate threat to the male identity and even existence.

Of course, the good student that I was imbibed that plus a whole dose of classic feminist theory (second to fourth wave). Didn't burn my bra but certainly made me no fan of the male of the species.
So what changed? What made a feminist write in a category that was seen as the bastion of male rage against the female species? I was aghast at the earliest LW stories I read. I swore off the category for years but upon rethinking some of the storylines, I realised the main themes touched on some of the deepest triggers for me: betrayal, anger and vengeance. I've never bought into the twisted idea that cheating on the part of women is a kind of wrestling control over their sexuality back from the patriarchal structure.  

No, control has nothing to do with betrayal.  Power over one's body and sexuality has nothing to do with betrayal.  If you no longer love someone and have fallen for someone else,  the decent thing to do is end things as nicely as possible and walk away.  Whatever your gender. The power of choice and decency is true independence. My first efforts at writing in this genre were controversial to say the least and that was reflected in the ratings. There are so many stories I'm still reacting to and am forever grateful to many of the LW legends including Longhorn07, Harddaysknight, Papatoad, TheCelt etc, for the inspiration they have created with their stories.

I intend no offence when I write "sequels" to the stories of of other writers. It is a reflection of the impact of their creative efforts and I don't deny their creative efforts. In fact, I regard any sequels as my tribute to these writers who have inspired me and do not aim to benefit from these storylines. My only aim is mostly to entertain readers with a darker view of love and relationships that explores some unpalatable truths. My latest effort will be posted soon. For a preview, read my other blog:

Enjoy and have a good Valentine's.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Letting The Pics Talk

Yup, as I have lost my voice and am sick as the proverbial dog, this week's post is all about the recent posts I've designed. Enjoy!