Saturday, 27 May 2017

Pushing Buttons

Starting final edits of my latest story. Immensely grateful to beta readers for their suggestions and opinions!

As said previously, I'll be inviting readers to write the conclusion in the month before the conclusion is posted.

Before you read the story, have a look at the meme/toon:


And watch for the new story!

Sunday, 21 May 2017


Inspiration comes in many forms and Literotica has pointed me in certain directions many times and recently, it was in the direction of this article 

Now, it could be the perspective of the writer but the wife's reaction or lack of at times was disturbing and spoke of selfish desires that overrode the considerations of others. She finds problems in her husband's character and other relationship but is apparently capable of excusing obvious problems in her other lover. It is almost a classic LW story and I hope to write a sequel to it soon :)

In other news, I'm still waiting for response from some beta readers but barring unexpected delays, the story should be posted soon 😄 I'll be preoccupied with work conferences for the next fortnight, so readers following me on social media, hope you won't get too bored of the temporary silence LOL

Sunday, 14 May 2017

The Countdown Begins

A great believer in getting over the bitter before the sweet, I have bad and good news for readers. The bad news is: it's going to take a tiny while more before the story is posted. The good? Well, beta readers have been giving the new story pretty positive feedback. So hopefully things will go well. Here's the link for the sneak preview posted a couple of weeks earlier:

In the meantime, get a load of my stress relievers: Food, glorious food! From avocado ice cream to fluffy organic pancakes with caramelised bananas and haxelnut cookie dough with sunflower seeds and dried cranberries. Yums!

Coined a new phrase for food porn: #foodsturbation LOL enjoy people!

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Teaser for A New Story

Been ill and distracted by day job. So here's a teaser for an upcoming story.

What stories can a button tell?

A story of  Love



Watch for the new story!

Preview excerpt via this link: