Light At Last!
LOL Just wrote the ending to my overwrought cheating wife/LW sequel -well, kind of forced it to an end because chapter 3 was turning into an 80 page novella. I know, I know, it's long-winded but I've actually cut it down by at least 30% so you get the idea.
Thank you in advance to beta readers, hope the soppy romantic nature of it doesn't trigger your gag reflex too much.
I'm almost definitely going to take a bit of a break (3-5months??) in between simply because I'm gonna need physiotherapy and need to get that pain under control. Gonna do my best to stave off surgery, I've not had to step into an OR thus far and I plan on keeping it that way!
In the meantime, I'll start work on the Original Sin conclusion and hope to wrap it before my smutversary (the day I published erotica ~think wicked laughter~) comes round which is (gack!) in two weeks' time. [Facepalms] Where did the time go?