Sunday, 21 February 2016


Yes, that's me and that's the week that just ended. Survived through pain which came back with a vengeance. Did almost no writing and am plodding through with a story that's likely to earn me lots of slamming and criticism.  

Highlight of the week has to be reading the work of a friend who trusts me enough to ask for my opinion. It's a great piece of work. While I can't say it's perfect, it's close enough. And I'm depressed on the other hand since I was going to write a sequel to the same story and have just realised how shallow mine is. Picture me drawing my toes in the sand just thinking about how inadequate my writing is, no wonder I get comments suggesting I go back to school. I bet OU is regretting giving me that honours degree huh?!!  

Anyway, just as a character once said, it may not be the biggest cock but it's the only one I've got, so too bad if you don't like it. Too bad if my writing isn't perfect, it's the only one I've got, I ain't got no choice but to stick with it and improve on the way, hopefully. So you might not want to read the excerpt from my upcoming work to be released on my other blog. 

And the blast from the past that I finally found out after 23 years isn't an Amy Grant song lol

I don't know about readers but that song I remember from my days as a feckless and reckless teenager who believed achieving anything was possible.

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