Wednesday, 13 April 2016


Call me the master/mistress of procrastination but I've managed yet again to not write anything over the weekend. Again. Oh yeah, there are the usual excuses: another round of tests at the doctor's. Then the social media stuff (but that too was shelved). But really, it's all been about the weather (no seriously, it's about the weather) and exhaustion. I called timeout for the drama classes. I'm pretty sure the kids were relieved though a couple of the more enthusiastic ones were starting to whine over possible impact on finals. Despite getting about six hours of sleep, I'm still exhausted and feeling hung over though I haven't had any serious alcohol since a long time ago. Plus, just doing some of the social media stuff made me all blurry eyed and sleepy. 
I blame the heatwave. It's so hot I swear I'm sweating like some guy next to a barbecue pit. Though my friends remind me women don't sweat, we're supposed to gently perspire, like some vanilla scented candle I guess - snort- ok, it's just crude me but I sweat, so there. That means endless chugging of fruit juices and ice cold water. The only advantage is because of all the sweat, I no longer have 1980s Morgan Fairchild hair - by the way, I hate being told that - or that dry puffy lion mane look. It's actually less wig-like and no longer crackles. A friend once swore he was hit by static electricity when he touched my hair. Now, it's a miracle sweat isn't dripping off it. Silver linings!
It's a bit hard to think of writing hot stuff when the weather is this hot. Seems everyone else is thinking dirty except for moi. Me? It's like seriously, anything that makes it hotter and more sweaty is a bad idea.Anyway, I was able to entertain a dirty-minded friend with my klutziness. Poking a straw through a cup of fresh pineapple juice shouldn't lead to dirty jokes but it did in my case. Clumsy me held the cup too close to myself and when I slammed the straw into the sealed cup, the foam on the top of the juice jetted out and I ended up having mini splotches of foam on my face and all over the front of my clothes. Apart from going WTF and trying to wipe the stuff off, I was trying not to glare at my friends who were busting their guts laughing. Only after I'd clean up fruit juice eruption and they could stop laughing enough to make sense did they reveal that they thought I looked like one of those amateur porn videos where the female participant had biological fluids all over her face or front at the end of the video. One of them even cracked a joke about me skipping the boring foreplay and getting straight to the money shot. With friends like these, how could anything go wrong, right?
Anyway, as a result of that, a bad mood and a horoscope that warns of serious delays till end of June (gack 2 months to go!) courtesy of a gal pal who reads them, any writing is gonna be postponed for at least a week. Sorry guys and gals.

 One of those few times when I'm glad I'm not a guy! I don't own rights to the picture above, it's just for laughs :P

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