Title: Bull
Author: BB Hamel
Story in a snap: Charley, a rookie journalist with a sports network, wrangles a chance to interview the bad boy of football, Bull. Along the way, after getting to know the real Bull in all senses of the word, she changes her mind. But she is exposed and Bull pushes her away. After battling the mafia bunch who threatens both of them, Charley and Bull pulls a coup using the article she was intent on writing. Read to find out the twist.
What puzzled/didn't work: Why the secret baby tag? Secret babies are by definition secret? Charley told Bull about the baby fairly quickly after she found out. The pace was also rather slow at the start. Fortunately, it picked up after that.
What worked: The dildo twist worked well haha! Not the first time this was used, but it was pretty funny LOL
What made me go duh: Why are most heroines reduced to incoherent capitulation by a bad boy with a huge dick? Seriously!
Still, it's a pretty decent and entertaining read. And no worries if you're not a sports fan, even for someone who knew so little about American football that she didn't know tight end was not just a compliment, it was fairly easy to follow.
Blog rating: 2.8*
Amazon rating: 4*
Read and decide for yourself! Here's the Amazon link!
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