Kinda conflicted I am. Unfortunately, I'm not Yoda when it comes to writing discipline. So, readers are stuck with the near-snail pace progress. And health issues are acting up so ☹ expect delays to increase.
Here's a tiny excerpt from a piece I started way back before Christmas:
I cringed as I looked over the potential headlines the sports ed had suggested. The more vulgar, the better was the sole guideline. "After all, we're in the business of selling papers and subscriptions!" I'm sure my poor supervising professor was whirling in his grave at how productively I was putting my literature degree ( was being put to work)
The cocky bearded guy who walked into the cafe was my target for the day. No, he wasn't the star. He was the aforesaid lumberjack. If I were writing some torrid romance or erotic read, I might describe him as having/ he had some raw, sexual appeal. The raw part would have been right. Sexual appeal on the other hand was decidedly absent. I mean, sure the guy was huge but he didn't exactly radiate buffed, ripped maleness. Would I jump his bones? Probably not. Then again, I wasn't some blonde vacuous WAG who had to put up with some whinging, pretty boy with a star complex from chasing a ball around a pitch.
And because I'm shameless, let me just say, if you really miss me/my writing, get my latest book:
Shattered Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
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