Sunday, 30 April 2017

The Eliot April Conundrum

Now,  I'm not normally a superstitious person. And that's when some smartass usually pipes up and says 'the lady doth protest overly much'. April, however,  has never failed to live up to my superstition about it, courtesy of Mr T.S. Eliot.

Glad as I am about the month ending,  I'm not looking forward to May and the mountain of work and events that awaits me.  Why can't I just win the lottery?  LOL

Anyway,  before anyone asks the obvious "is this post going anywhere?", I'll answer: Yes.  Maybe not in any release date but certainly in a challenge: I will be releasing an LW short story with the ending already written but not posted. I will schedule the ending to be posted about a month after the main story.  The challenge is for readers and writers to write their own conclusion to the story,  posting it with an identifier that will be stated in the main story. The main story and challenge will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

I'm off to the immediate challenge of reading Elif Şafak's The Forty Rules of Love.  Need to do it in three days because I'm supposed to present on it during the launch of a work community library 😁

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Delays, Distractions and Delicious ^^

I know many readers are probably already anticipating more delays and excuses,  am personally hoping this is the last of them. I'm being haunted by LW requests and inspiration.  LOL

Plodding along with the writing (4 different stories,  not counting sequels) and may have something posted soon. And as requested by several readers who have contacted me via the feedback function, I will post Destroying Fantasies Part 1 on my blog soon. Watch for it!

And while I'm not G-like in any way, I do believe in "request and thou shalt be given". Okay it's gotten me into trouble occasionally (such as with the Destroying Fantasies saga),  but hey,  why would you want to deny readers satisfaction. Lol so here's the link to the original K. T.  Morrison series that Moving On was the conclusion of. It's available on Amazon:

And courtesy of work yours truly has had some eye candy in the form of a potential author.  He is hot and knows it. So yes,  he might not be the nicest guy but he is cute. And even cuter when he strides that was to the nearest cafe.  Haha!  Look for a Balkans hero soon!

I've had to conceal his full face because otherwise it'd be too easy to track him down.  And anyway,  from the discussion we had,  he does,  unfortunately,  fit the pretty face hunk who's a bit shorter on the erm brain capacity.  Still,  enjoy the stretch of the shirt people!

Could be even sweeter than the strawberry croissant lol I do love sweeties!

Sunday, 16 April 2017

A Rejuvenating Easter Weekend

It's been a pretty good Easter weekend, minor irritants aside.

Liked the Easter message of waking up. One of the few sermons/homilies in recent years that I actually remember.


And I finally had the chance to watch Fast and Furious 8. Despite all the rumoured squabbling and rivalry, the movie turned out pretty darn good ! Liked the storyline even if it was a tad predictable. But then again, most people don't watch action movies about cars for the plot ~ and I'm just being honest.

And having heard enough accolades about the Statham vs Johnson verbal exercises, I looked forward to the crossfire between the two. I was amused but not impressed by the exchange. If anything, Helen Mirren stole the show with direct, simple humour in the scene where she emotionally blackmailed Statham. Of course, it's a toss up whether Dame Helen or the baby won the awww awards LOL Look for the full review on EroRevue!

And so I leave you with views of my very un-health-conscious Easter lunch (fish and chips and everything nice) plus my longtime favourite entertainment hunk. If readers can't tell the difference, they're forgiven LOL


Sunday, 9 April 2017

Palm Sunday and the week that was

Finally made it to church for mass and it was Palm Sunday.  I won't pretend there was nothing that irritated me or made me depressed,  there were a few but what made things better was the reflection that nothing really matters since everything is in G's hands. And so I leave it to the powers that be to resolve matters.

For more mundane things,  I leave it to the academics and writers who are my authors to work out a schedule that works for them 'cos seriously, if they delay or fub their proofs,  the only people who'll suffer the consequences are them LOL

And in the meantime,  I enjoy local cuisine from local fried noodles (mee goreng) to a breakfast burrito, baked cheese tarts and my favourite soya curds! #FoodPorn!

And I'm expelling all the bad emotions from the last few exhausting weeks. No idea what I am talking about? Read for the back stories and the links to the saga!
Another piece of good news: an FB friend's debut novel is out now for pre-order Grab a hot read for under a $1! Here's a link in case readers need to identify via cover

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Of Custard Puffs And Previews

Yet another week and yet more exhaustion. So that explains why yours truly stuffed her face with custard puffs.

Had a charcoal puff from Proofer yesterday

And this nicely sweet one from Beard Papa

And here's a quick preview for a story I hope to post soon.


Was that the name of the sharp pain fading into a dull burn and an indescribable ache that sat in my gut?

I could almost see the inscription on the headstone: XXXX, (1974-2017), Beloved Husband and Father. Of course, Willa would probably replace the “Beloved” with “Asshole” or “Jackass” or whatever descriptive that seemed appropriate. That is if she got away with murder. My murder. Or my death. Semantics was the least of my concerns right now. 

A dark shadow. At least that was what it looked like to my rapidly blurring vision. It was that azure blue of her irises that told me it was my loving wife who now loomed over me. She looked like an avenging angel. She probably was one. Great, so till the end, I was the fallen one. Lucifer, about to be slain by the sword of good. Somewhere in the beyond, Catherine Dubois, the Sunday school teacher who had warned my mother of my “inherent wickedness”, was chuckling. 

For why I decided to pre-pone / accelerate this one,  see and

Have fun!