Sunday, 11 June 2017

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Mixture of Emotions

This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. The attacks back in England brought sadness and some measure of anger. Seriously, why are we busy killing each other when we've got so many problems plaguing the human race?

The usual negativity from the haters to the latest story post was slightly depressing. Then again, it was nothing new and as long as I know I'm doing right, I'm tossing them on the pile of trolls. More on it later.

Work is hectic but going well thus far. And ideas are still surfacing faster than I can deal with them lol. Also enjoying a friend's new stories along with some sweeties. More specifically, a glutinous rice and lotus paste dumpling and a Beard Papa custard puff  :D Yums!

And now for some updates on two issues: Destroying Fantasies Part 1 and the conclusion of The Story Of a Button. Destroying Fantasies Part 1 was removed by the site admins because the author of the original story complained and didn't like me "screwing with the characters".

I respect the site admin's decision though frankly, if the case was pursued legally, I am on sound ground. For more on the Destroying Fantasies saga, read this. Those interested in the story, I will post it on a blog site soon, so watch this space.

As for the challenge to write the conclusion to TSOAB, I have to admit the trolls really lived up to expectations. All the bellyaching about loopholes and how the story can only have one ending ~ eyeroll ~ maybe it's my bad because I should have said this challenge is not for the fainthearted or trolls lacking the requisite creativity to see their way round the "loopholes", "dead end" and "vague details" to a conclusion. And frankly my dear trolls... (fill in the blanks, hint: think Rhett Butler) LOL Have fun people!