Sunday, 21 August 2016

Review of Go Hard

As promised, I'll be continuing reviews. Here's a long delayed review of a sports romance which the author kindly sent me an ARC of.

Title: Go Hard

Author: B.B. Hamel

Plot in a snap: Owen Rack is starting out as the rookie running back for a respected team, the Philadelphia Eagles, which is looking to revive their flagging performance. And the female protagonist Taylor Jones  is a new physiotherapist trainee/ physical therapist and trainer working for the same team. Through a series of fortuitous events, primarily her boss' pregnancy, she is promoted and becomes a dedicated therapist for Owen. Taylor struggles with the ethics of dating a team member, realising that her job is on the line if they were exposed. Owen, on the other hand, struggles with his problematic knee and a past that has come back to haunt him in the form of a member of the Mafia, Tony. Read to find out how the couple overcome their fears and problems before that HEA!

What triggered the huhs? : The rapid switch from player out for a good time to serious boyfriend material. And the mafia part seemed a little questionable too, looking undecided and a little weird. Granted the criminal mind is unpredictable and unfamiliar to the reviewer but really?? The resolution of that threat, given the fact that they seem to control several players on the team seemed a tad unrealistic.

What worked: The hot sex; B.B. Hamel doesn't disappoint!

What was learnt: Never to go in some communal hot tub - seriously, did Taylor never wonder how much DNA  from the rest of the team was there - ok, this was just the reviewer projecting the eww factor 😵

Amazon rating: 4*

Blog rating: 3*

Here's the Amazon link for the book

Go get a copy!

I'm gonna go enjoy the Google Fruit games - it's a lot more entertaining than the Rio games despite the latter's drama.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

New LW reads

No, you didn't read that wrong, at least not as far as the title goes. I'm still on that hiatus from LW and writing - hey mortal me needs some recovery time. The last time I inadvertently broke the rule and read some LW, I immediately felt the itch to write. With all the pain and meds I'm on, the likelihood of a torturous and tortuous piece is highly likely so in the interest of readers and based on the feedback, it's probably a good thing that I'm on this hiatus. 

That said, a friend DFWBeast has just posted his latest work and it's a sequel ( I wish I could have written ) to a story from another writer Harddaysknight whom I admire. Have fun reading!
And don't forget to read my stories too!

Meanwhile, I'll watch cheese mature..

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Destroying Fantasies - The Response

First, a 'big thank you' to readers who actually read the entire story and triple the thanks to those who survived the series! Makes me hopeful that attention spans aren't going the way of the dinosaurs LOL

The trolls waiting for an acerbic response: Sorry to disappoint but I really don't have the time or energy. Then again, if you've got time to spare, you could always go on waiting or you could take the time and write a story for the rest of us. I mean that in the nicest way, really.

As for critics and supporters who've given constructive criticism and suggestions, thank you. I'm not above accepting criticism, it comes with the territory. I've dished out worse to professional authors in my day job, politely of course, - so I guess there's karma huh? I've written to template and for target audiences in various career positions and I'm not inclined to do that in my undercover writing. I'm inspired by the complex of emotions that the LW category provokes. That's why I write in this category in the first place. One commentator came really close to understanding my intentions in this story, much to my surprise (the trolls and brickbats are the usual and the script they spout is so repetitive it's pretty much a cut and paste). And that surprise was supplied by GrandPaM. There were a few others, including those kind enough to send me private messages through the Literotica Feedback mechanism, and rest assured I've read your comments.

This is something I wrote before posting the story and it helps explain why I've written this story.

As explained in an earlier post, I'm currently taking a break from writing because of health issues and also because of work. I'll be back (no, not channelling Arnie, seriously) in October hopefully with three stories : the conclusion to The Original Sin (non-LW), my Shakespeare tribute piece that will also be my foray into sci-fi  LW (haha, think that'll send the trolls crazy??) and a piece that will be an original LW. The other LW stories, many of them sequels, are on hold currently. Destroying Fantasies taught me the dangers of going into overdrive on something that provokes such intense emotions in me. Guess that's why the series is so "long-winded" and "over the top" LOL

Before ending this post, I'll like to thank beta readers who've been real patient all this while. In particular, DFWBeast who's been way more patient and supportive than expected. And to thank readers, there'll be a contest set up - watch for the release and giveaway!

Have a good summer everyone!

The Destroying Fantasies Giveaway

Destroying Fantasies will be released as an ebook before the end of 2016. Parts that had to be cut from the postings on Literotica will be added to this version and a new epilogue will be written. Yes, just imagine, it was even longer in its original form! I'll run a giveaway for Literotica readers based on responses to the following in part 3:

1) Spot the grammar mistake that made it past 2 sets of software. I kept the mistake in the story posted to see if readers would spot it.  Hint: It's near the end and in a sentence that has Lisa in it.

2) Spot the time wrinkle. Hint: It has to do with Jackson's past. And not the timeline in relation to the children.

3) There are three bad jokes strewn throughout part 3. The most obvious is one to do with an organization that encourages infidelity. Name that organization.

Only responses filed through the private message function on Literotica Feedback mechanism with valid email addresses will be considered. Do NOT put your response in the public comments section. There will be five winners who will get a free copy of the ebook and one among the five who will also get an Amazon gift card worth US$25.

If there are sufficient numbers, there'll be a lucky draw! Contest open till 31 August 2016, results to be announced on this blog on 3 September.

This is my 'thank you' to the Literotica community! Enjoy!

Why I wrote Destroying Fantasies

Why did I write Destroying Fantasies?

When I first read the original story of Ashley in The Man Next Door, I was appalled. Despite being a feminist, I found that I could not stomach the careless and callous manner in which Ashley indulged in her adulterous affair. She showed almost no remorse and apart from bellyaching about how she was scarred by the whole affair and fallout, she merely reveled in her 'scars'. Her husband, Will, was merely a tool and background for her great fantasies to play out against.

I was appalled not just by the shallowness of the female protagonist but also by the comments that supported her. A strong and empowered female doesn't need to empower herself through the betrayal of another. Nor does she require male reassurance of her attractive qualities through approval (and presumably through an adulterous lover) from male counterparts.  As a feminist, I shuddered to think fellow feminists viewed Ashley's betrayal as empowerment.

Then again. these aren't perfect characters, more so in Ashley's case. She was attracted by the guy in the original and even with what she learns in Destroying Fantasies, I doubt she'll fully see the truth till faced with callous reality. So that session with Jackass was the final part of the disillusionment, the betrayer is betrayed, the act of betrayal is reversed and becomes an assault on the unfaithful wife physically and psychologically.

Betrayal, regardless of the gender of the perpetrator, is never sexy. I set out to write Destroying Fantasies because I needed to give Will a voice. Yes, he isn't a knight in shining armour nor is he an all out hero. He's as broken as they come and shaped by the choices he makes. Hopefully readers will appreciate the flawed male protagonist in my sequel.

Monday, 1 August 2016

On Break

Thought to drop a note before taking a hiatus - next couple of months are work crazy and health issues are getting bad so little ole me is calling a time out for 2 months!

Posting a new story or rather the conclusion for one before taking a break - to placate the screamers LOL

Here's a taster:

And for my patient readers, my favourite dessert at the moment:

Caramel Popcorn and Ice Cream! Hope y'all feel the sweet!