Title: Go Hard
Author: B.B. Hamel
Plot in a snap: Owen Rack is starting out as the rookie running back for a respected team, the Philadelphia Eagles, which is looking to revive their flagging performance. And the female protagonist Taylor Jones is a new physiotherapist trainee/ physical therapist and trainer working for the same team. Through a series of fortuitous events, primarily her boss' pregnancy, she is promoted and becomes a dedicated therapist for Owen. Taylor struggles with the ethics of dating a team member, realising that her job is on the line if they were exposed. Owen, on the other hand, struggles with his problematic knee and a past that has come back to haunt him in the form of a member of the Mafia, Tony. Read to find out how the couple overcome their fears and problems before that HEA!
What triggered the huhs? : The rapid switch from player out for a good time to serious boyfriend material. And the mafia part seemed a little questionable too, looking undecided and a little weird. Granted the criminal mind is unpredictable and unfamiliar to the reviewer but really?? The resolution of that threat, given the fact that they seem to control several players on the team seemed a tad unrealistic.
What worked: The hot sex; B.B. Hamel doesn't disappoint!
What was learnt: Never to go in some communal hot tub - seriously, did Taylor never wonder how much DNA from the rest of the team was there - ok, this was just the reviewer projecting the eww factor 😵
Amazon rating: 4*
Blog rating: 3*
Here's the Amazon link for the book https://www.amazon.com/Go-Hard-Bad-Sports-Romance-ebook/dp/B01JDQ4J62
Go get a copy!
I'm gonna go enjoy the Google Fruit games - it's a lot more entertaining than the Rio games despite the latter's drama.