Sunday, 7 August 2016

The Destroying Fantasies Giveaway

Destroying Fantasies will be released as an ebook before the end of 2016. Parts that had to be cut from the postings on Literotica will be added to this version and a new epilogue will be written. Yes, just imagine, it was even longer in its original form! I'll run a giveaway for Literotica readers based on responses to the following in part 3:

1) Spot the grammar mistake that made it past 2 sets of software. I kept the mistake in the story posted to see if readers would spot it.  Hint: It's near the end and in a sentence that has Lisa in it.

2) Spot the time wrinkle. Hint: It has to do with Jackson's past. And not the timeline in relation to the children.

3) There are three bad jokes strewn throughout part 3. The most obvious is one to do with an organization that encourages infidelity. Name that organization.

Only responses filed through the private message function on Literotica Feedback mechanism with valid email addresses will be considered. Do NOT put your response in the public comments section. There will be five winners who will get a free copy of the ebook and one among the five who will also get an Amazon gift card worth US$25.

If there are sufficient numbers, there'll be a lucky draw! Contest open till 31 August 2016, results to be announced on this blog on 3 September.

This is my 'thank you' to the Literotica community! Enjoy!

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